Salvaging Black Pieces - by Susan, from Susan after 60

Salvaging Black Pieces - by Susan, from Susan after 60

Note from Pauline Durban, founder of Covered Perfectly - This is third in a series of styling the basics. You will find the other two at the end of this post. Susan is a shining example of how to make the most out of your basic tops.

Over to Susan....

If you are like me, you have a lot of beautiful pieces in your wardrobe that are black. The fashion industry has been pushing black as the perfect color for decades, so it isn’t surprising that we often own a lot of it. It is cost-effective for manufacturers to produce lines in all black.


Today, I am sharing some tips to help you continue to use and enjoy the black items in your wardrobe. (Black may now be too harsh for our more delicate coloring.)


I own three dramatic evening coats, which happen to all be black. When I wear these coats, I always add bold, bright large earrings to bring light to my face. (I never pair a necklace with statement earrings.

That’s just too much going on in the same place.) Wearing a simple top in a beautiful red or royal blue places a more flattering color near my face and provides a break from the black.

The low slung belt defines the waist and keeps me from appearing as a large rectangle. As long as the belt goes over a top that falls straight over the tummy, I can still wear it. I would never tuck in the top and wear a belt because that would show the whole waistline and draw attention to it.


The earrings were a Christmas gift from Mr. Mickey. The earrings are here. The hook belt is from Chico’s a few years ago. Similar here. The pants are also old from Chico’s.


The star of the show for this week was the Covered Perfectly top with long sleeves in red. Find it and several other styles and colors here.

When you buy two tops, the third is free! See it in a casual look here.

It is featured in a business look here. is an online space where women can share their thoughts, ask questions, gather style tips, and be inspired.

I model for and wear Covered Perfectly tops often, found here. Referral and affiliate links may generate a small commission for Susan After 60 Inc.

You can see the complete post here

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